Hi, Anita X is a duplicate wrestler page can be deleted

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Jq000004
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Thanks so much for your help! That worked great and I uploaded a lot of photos. I suppose I will contact Zweig at some point just to delete the duplicates and empty pages. May I ask have you uploaded any matches for the mixed wrestling matches?

Shepinhim (talk)01:31, 30 September 2020
Edited by author.
Last edit: 13:27, 26 January 2023

Glad to see that you've been able to start adding your photos to the database. Mixed wrestling isn't particularly my thing so, as far as I recall, I've not uploaded any matches but may have uploaded one or two photos. Incidentally are you aware of the malevsfemale.org site, also run by Zweig - if not, there will be plenty there to interest you.

Just one other thought - if you look at Special pages in the Tools section you'll see the Orphaned Pages. The pages shown here are not directly linked to any other page, but ideally there should be as few as possible residing here. Some of your new entries are collecting here - easiest way to remove them is probably to amend a company page to which they belong so that you have a list of wrestlers who have worked for the company shown somewhere on that page, and add that wrestler's name. This generates the link and the new page will then disappear from Orphaned status.

Regards JQ

Jq00000412:46, 30 September 2020

Thank you, yes I will reach out to Zweig for help in eliminating duplicate orphaned pages just to clean site up a bit. At this point I am definitely the most active contributor putting in 70 names over the past 30+ days. But Zweig has not appeared on MalevsFemale since 9/21. Hope he is ok, he usually contributes posts all the time.

Shepinhim (talk)16:29, 11 October 2020

Great - thanks for that. If you are able to make contact you might also want to ask him if he could amend the home page - this states that there are over 500 wrestlers in the database but, thanks in large part to our efforts, there are now approaching 700. No harm in letting people know what they can find here!

Regards JQ

Jq00000416:58, 11 October 2020

Absolutely! Hope everything is alright with him though, as mentioned he's not been posting on malevsfemale in a long time.

Shepinhim (talk)17:52, 11 October 2020

Hopefully he's OK - he's been active from time to time on this site throughout the year, the last time being 26/08/20.

Jq00000414:01, 12 October 2020

Yeah, he replied on the site. He's going through personal matters and is sick. But will be back updating Fight Pulse soon.

Shepinhim (talk)21:20, 12 October 2020