Uploading pictures

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Jq000004
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So that means I can use pictures on websites that are in galleries beside the video but no screenshots from the video itself?

Girlfightfan (talk)07:25, 19 May 2023

Sorry - I could have expressed that more clearly! What I am saying is that, assuming you own the video in the first place, as far as I'm concerned there is no reason not to acquire and post screenshots. If you are giving identification of the pictures via the relevant WrestleWiki page (and captions if needed) then as I said before you're actually assisting the production company by publicising their work. Website gallery pictures are in the public domain already, but again using them in WrestleWiki is legitimate as you're not seeking to gain anything at the expense of the creators from doing so.

Jq00000416:39, 19 May 2023